Tranquility Base
This is a small selection of past projects that I’ve had the pleasure of working on. Some were done for clients, others were labors of love or design exercises for myself. All have influenced the design work that followed them, including the Table & Chair Set. — EJW
Michelle's home. It took the better part of five years to design and build this 950 square foot passive solar home. Inspiration came from work I did on Frank Lloyd Wright's Seth Peterson Cottage (see below). All the cabinets, wardrobes and furniture -- including napkin holders and serving trays -- are made in the same visual vocabulary and material specifically for this building. An early Table & Chair Set has seen daily use here for over 20 years.
The Barbie Chair. Originally designed for my own home, the Barbie Chair has been built for clients as an accompaniment to the Table & Chair Set, as it fits perfectly at The Table. Named for a sweet friend who loves this chair.
Wardrobes and furniture for Amber's home. Inspired by the cabinetry in my own home, I made built-in wardrobes, a linen closet, and a free-standing coat closet with attached pantry at the entry off the kitchen. Also built were two Barbie Chairs to add to Amber’s walnut Table & Chair Set. Her remarkable self-designed home is the first energy-net-zero building in Spring Green, Wisconsin, and is regularly open for tours. Recommended. https://poemhomes.org
Sideboard and bookcase for Molly and John. Also modeled after the cabinets in my own home, these utilize the stainless piano hinges, hardware and the interlocking corner details that don't hide how the units are held together. John uses a Wallner Table & Chair Set in his studio. https://johnhimmelfarb.com
The Chapel. Located near my workshop, this outhouse has a pair of translucent corner doors that can be left wide open for a panoramic view of the neighboring farmland as you take your ease. It has a small Art gallery, a miniscule cabinet that doubles as the TP holder, and oak parquet flooring. I consider it one of my best designs. Visitors who venture to Dodgeville, Wisconsin, to pick up their Table & Chairs are encouraged to experience it firsthand.
The Seth Peterson Cottage by Frank Lloyd Wright. I worked as a finish carpenter during the rehabilitation of this remarkable 880 square foot building, camping at the job site to better absorb the nuances of Wright’s design in my off hours and roast dozens of wieners in that massive fireplace. Witnessing how he coaxed such elegance from a few informal materials deeply affected me. These images are from 1992, the year it opened to the public for overnight rental. It has been occupied almost continually ever since completion. The state-owned Cottage is a popular overnight rental for Wright enthusiasts. Highly recommended. https://wrightinwisconsin.org/seth-peterson-cottage
The Easy Riser ultralight airplane. Through building airplanes I learned to remove the nonessential, the inherent beauty of fine craftsmanship, and to appreciate structure revealed. I have a decades-long association with this revolutionary little aircraft. I built and flew my first one while still 18 years old. After flying for nearly a decade, and logging 300 hours on two Easy Risers, I was hired by the manufacturer’s engineer-owner to build the next generation of the design, combining both of our ideas for improvements. The Easy Riser Mk.4 is the result, seen here gliding over Lone Rock, Wisconsin, at about 3,000’ in 2016. This aircraft was displayed hung from the ceiling in a museum exhibition of 200 American-designed products as an example of true ultra-light US aeronautical innovation. Here's an early pre-landing gear video from EAA's Oshkosh Airshow in 1992: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9DjgOnup114